Artwalk 2019 Brochure Cover Search

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October 29, 2018
A jury panel will select one work of art to be feature on the cover of the ARtwalk 2019 brochure, poster, and other publications. Artists may submit an image of up to 2 woorks to be considered; do not submit the original work. All submissions must be new work or work created in the last two years that has not been shown in an art gallery, previous Moscow, Artwalk, or other settings. The selected artist will be awarded $500 for purchase of the art piece. Previously selected Moscow Artwalk cover artists need not apply.

Selection Criteria:
- Submissions for consideration should demonstrate work that has a graphic quality; the ability to "read" from a distance and hold interest up close.
- Submissions should be varied from recent Artwalk covers (within the last 2 years). The intent of the annual selection is to provide a wide variety of style, media, and subject matter that reflects the diversity of the Artwalk event. 
- Keep in mind that the audience for Artwalk is broad-based and of all ages and that Artwalk is a summer event.
- Holds quality through reproduction. Keep in mind that the brochure is printed on newsprint.

The selection committee reserves the option to either select a submitted work or commission a new work of art from the selected artist.

The original work will become the property of the City of Moscow's Art Collection. A photograph of the original work will appear on the Artwalk brochure, Artwalk poster, City of Moscow's Facebook page, City of Moscow's website, in newspaper advertisements, and other publications. 
If the submitted work is 3D please include multiple images of the piece from a variety of angles including a view from the left, right, front, and back.

The original work selected as the Artwalk 2019 cover art will be feature at the Third Street Gallery (206 East Third) during Artwalk 2019 with the option for the selected artist to have a solo exhibit.

The City of Moscow will assume all rights to future reproduction of the winning work for promotional and fundraising purposes. The selected artist agrees to sign a contract with the City regarding the purchase. The artist is responsible for framing; if selected, please provide winning work for photorgraphing unframed. 

Friday, February 1, 12:00pm, Council Chamber of Moscow City Hall (206 East Third, 2nd floor). Artists and members of the public may attend to observe the jury process. Be respectful and on time.
DJ Scallorn, Arts Assistant, (208) 883 - 7036